Pothos / Aquarium Planter created by ChatGPT(AI)

Pothos / Aquarium Planter created by ChatGPT(AI)


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

Pothos Planter 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 13% infill
Pothos Planter 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 13% infill
2.7 h
1 plate



This 3D model is the result of a unique collaboration between AI (ChatGPT4) and me exploring the capabilities of OpenSCAD with a language modele like ChatGPT. It exemplifies the potential of AI-assisted design in creating practical, everyday objects.

Design Features:

  • Versatility: 
    • Specifically crafted for my aquarium, this planter can easily be attached to the rims of an aquariums to submerge the roots of a plant or in this case, a cutting of a Pothos plant.
  • Customizability: 
    • Designed in OpenSCAD, allowing users to modify dimensions as per their specific needs.
  • Functionality: 
    • Features an L-shaped extension for stability, and a rim grip for secure placement.

Project Background: 
The idea stemmed from a desire to merge AI capabilities with simple CAD design tools, making 3D printing and designing accessible to beginners. 

At this moment there are not yet AI's available that can create 3D objects out of it's own code, it needs a tool like OpenSCAD or Python scripts. Some are claiming they can do it but on the back end they have cheap engineers available who make it or simply remodel a already present model, the real AI capability to do this is still under heavy development. 

This model shows the simplicity and effectiveness of AI-assisted designing, especially for those without prior programming or CAD experience.
All of this was done between meetings and was created in 1 day. Every time I had some spare minutes between meetings or my daily tasks etc. I reviewed the script, added instructions to the script and went back to work having ChatGPT do its own thing on the background.


  • Printing: 
    • Recommended to print with PLA or PETG for durability and water resistance.
      • All my prints for my aquariums are printer with SUNLU PLA.
        • Some pieces are 6 years old and all my fish are healthy and no mutations due to possible plastic waste / decomposing some people say.
    • Since the object has sharp corners I recommend adding a small brim to it to make sure it does not warp from the bed. 
      • (Smoothing the corners on a small object like this was very tricky to achieve with OpenSCAD.)
    • No supports are required
      • STL file is already correctly orientated and potentially the bridge will hang a little bit but that's not a problem and can be cleaned easily. 
  • Assembly: 
    • No assembly is required
  • Disclaimer:
    • The OpenSCAD script is functional, but it may not be the most efficient way to achieve the desired result. The goal of this project was to explore the capabilities of AI-assisted design using ChatGPT and OpenSCAD, rather than to create a perfect script. The script successfully completed two iterations to produce a workable model.

OpenSCAD Script: 
Included is the OpenSCAD script, thoroughly commented for educational purposes. It's an excellent resource for beginners to understand the basics of 3D modeling scripting. I made sure that the comments in the SCAD file are spot on and easy to understand.

This project is not just a functional piece for my aquarium but also a stepping stone for beginners into the world of 3D modeling and printing. It showcases the harmonious blend of AI assistance and user creativity in the realm of 3D designs and hopefully bring more people to the 3D printing community.


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