Orc Warrior 1/5 - Blunt Trauma

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Published 2024-03-28T12:57:39+00:00

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    $3.77 Orc Warrior 1/5 - Blunt Trauma

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2024-03-28T12:57:39+00:00

    Black Anvil Miniatures


    50 objects

    Add Files To Cart $3.77
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
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    3 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 28/03/2024
    Price $3.77
    Support Free YES
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Orc Warrior 1 Of 5 Blunt Trauma 38Mm Presupported.stl
    Orc Warrior 1 Of 5 Blunt Trauma 38Mm.stl
    Orc Warrior 1 Of 5 Blunt Trauma 54Mm Presupported.stl
    Orc Warrior 1 Of 5 Blunt Trauma 54Mm.stl
    Orc Warrior 1 Of 5 Blunt Trauma Orc Warrior 1 Of 5 Blunt Trauma 38Mm Presupported.stl
    Orc Warrior 1 Of 5 Blunt Trauma Orc Warrior 1 Of 5 Blunt Trauma 38Mm.stl
    Orc Warrior 1 Of 5 Blunt Trauma Orc Warrior 1 Of 5 Blunt Trauma 54Mm Presupported.stl
    Orc Warrior 1 Of 5 Blunt Trauma Orc Warrior 1 Of 5 Blunt Trauma 54Mm.stl