Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Chandra X-Ray Observatory


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NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is a telescope specially designed to detect X-ray emission from very hot regions of the Universe such as exploded stars, clusters of galaxies, and matter around black holes. Because X-rays are absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, Chandra must orbit above it, up to an altitude of 139,000 km (86,500 mi) in space. The Smithsonian's Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, MA, hosts the Chandra X-ray Center which operates the satellite, processes the data, and distributes it to scientists around the world for analysis. The Center maintains an extensive public web site about the science results and an education program.

Chandra carries four very sensitive mirrors nested inside each other. The energetic X-rays strike the insides of the hollow shells and are focused onto electronic detectors at the end of the 9.2- m (30-ft.) optical bench. Depending on which detector is used, very detailed images or spectra of the cosmic source can be made and analyzed.

3D Printing

- Download the 3D files
- Read the brief instructions below
- Select the 3D printer of your choice.

This example (shown below) was printed at 0.1mm layer height, 8% infill, 2 perimeters. Take a piece of 3mm filament (or dowel) about 6mm long and glue into the centering holes. Align the parts as shown in the photos on

To make your 3D printed model more photorealistic you can spray the craft with silver metallic spray paint and/or apply aluminum or thin craft store foil before assembling. Gold paint or ready gold leaf from a local craft store or online store can be added if desired. Rubber cement works well to attach materials to the body of the spacecraft. For the solar panels, you can apply a blue or black glaze or paint.
Quick tip: attach the solar panels last.

- Files: NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, Public Domain
- Images: obtained from, Thing:631546. User: mostlydecaf. CC BY-SA

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