Jack Skellington Pop Out Print - Print in Place Hueforge Hybrid

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Jack Skellington Pop Out Print - Print in Place Hueforge Hybrid


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon
A1 mini

0.04mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
0.04mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
3.4 h
1 plate

A1 Mini - Four Colors (Use Same Color Slot for Colors 3 and 5)
A1 Mini - Four Colors (Use Same Color Slot for Colors 3 and 5)
3.8 h
1 plate



This unique print-in-place Jack Skellington piece utilises a hybrid printing method that combines Hueforge filament painting and a traditional 3D print model. Jack's head sticks out of the print, giving it a little bit of a personality!


Important for this print: Black is repeated just before the head is printed. If you only have one AMS, I suggest leaving black in Slot 1 and removing AMS slot 2 once its finished printing to replace it with the colour for the head (if using something other than white). If you are using white, you do not need to remove and replace anything! Just assign the white to the slot your white filament is in.


Note: You do NOT need an AMS, or an MMU for this print. It definitely helps, but you can manually pause your printing and swap filament spools if you do not have an AMS.


AMS tip: If you only have one AMS, and have more than 4 colours in a print, once the first colour finishes printing, remove that spool while the second colour is printing, and replace it with the 5th colour. In your slicer, when assigning your colours to AMS slots, make sure you select your 5th colour to match the slot you will be replacing it in.


The included 3MF has all the settings already applied if you are using the profile attached, but if you are downloading the raw files and using your own print profile, please follow the instructions below.


Print Instructions

  1. The print swaps filaments 5 times, with the final time being the colour of Jack's head that ‘pops out’ from the print. In my print, I used a 5th colour (Glow in the Dark), but you can use what ever colour you want, or even reuse the white.
  2. I printed with supports for the head, but depending on your printer, you may get away with not having supports. I have altered the head to be printed with 5% infill.
  3. I printed this file with adaptive layer heights for the head to speed things up (0.2 for the base of the head and 0.04 towards the top of the head). This should be reflected in the 3MF file. You can certainly do this, or use your own settings as well.
  4. Post processing includes removing supports for the head, through the holes for the eyes. The tree supports that I used with my settings were fairly easy to remove, however if you are worried, please feel free to use your own support settings to ensure ease of clean-up and removal!

Filament Swaps


Print at 100% infill with a layer height of 0.04mm with a base layer of 0.2mm


Filaments Used:


- PLA Kingroon Black Transmission Distance: 0.4
- PLA+ Sunlu Red Transmission Distance: 6
- PLA META Sunlu Teal Transmission Distance: 5.4
- PLA Kingroon White Transmission Distance: 8

- PLA Overture Glow in the Dark Transmission Distance: 8 (this is your head colour!)


Swap Instructions:

- Start with Black
- At 1.04mm swap to Red
- At 1.2mm swap to Teal
- At 1.36mm swap to White
- At 2.08mm swap to Black (this is a repeat colour!)
- At 2.92 swap to Glow in the Dark for the rest. (Head Colour)


This print uses a model of Jack's head created by Thingiverse user vmatthews.


Comment & Rating (44)

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I found this model by cyanidesugar in the HueForge discord and wanted to print it. It was designed with the Bambu x1 in mind. I do not own that printer. So, I downloaded the Bambu slicer and tried to set it up for my modified Ender 3v2 on Klipper firmware using the S1 machine settings. It failed the first time, so I thought to double-check the machine, ensure everything was tight, level the bed, and calibrate the z-offset. The second print failed, so I tweaked the settings in the slicer. I bumped up the wall count, slowed it down, and made some other tweaks, which still failed. After the 3rd fail, I said screw it and returned to the tried and true UltiMaker Cura slicer. I set it with my normal hue forge settings and finally got it to print. I am sure it would have printed the first time if I had a Bambu. There were multiple things like layer height changes to make it print faster on the Bambu, but for my Klipperized ender, it was trying to adjust my z-offset cause I noticed my Klipper screen asked me to save my new z-offset after I would cancel the print. It was odd for that to happen. Each one of these colors was a manual filament change using a .08 layer height. Set bottom layers till layer 31. That way, the head isn't filled in, and I used normal infill for that. Black at the start Red at layer 11 Teal at layer 13 White at layer 15 Black again at layer 25 Glow in the dark at layer 31 I have my Obico app make an emergency alert tone for every swap, so I was waking up last night multiple times. I didn't have to. I could have let it sit and waited up to 12 hours between changes, but after three fails, I was in a rush. The failed prints were a bit red, which the wife and I prefer, and the one I sliced and printed is a little more blue. But it still looks good. I calculated the layers wrong, and the filament change was one layer off. I will print it again, but add +1 to the above layers except for glow-in-dark and the red. Now I'm printing a frame for it. The story's moral is don't give up; keep tweaking, and you will eventually find a solution.
The designer has replied
thank you for the detailed information for non-Bambu prints! I’m so glad you managed to get a good one eventually!
Replying to @cyanidesugar :
I couldn't figure out how to rate it. I give this 5 stars. I will try to figure it out to get you your points
X1c fail on the face with glow in the dark filament.
yeah mine failed at the top teeth twice. I printed with white instead and that worked great
Print Profile
0.04mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
sehr plastische Vorlage schaut super aus
Print Profile
0.04mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
Awesome Print came out amazing!
Print Profile
0.04mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
printed well
Print Profile
0.04mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
wow, so cool
Print Profile
0.04mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
I printed it with supports in the headpiece. Looks fine and with great details. Please more of them!
Print Profile
0.04mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
Even though I got my colors swapped around, it still looked great! Thank you!
Print Profile
0.04mm layer, 1 walls, 100% infill
for some reason I had trouble with the teeth using glow filament, had two failed prints once it got to the top two or three teeth :-( I switched to white filament for the head and that printed without issue.