PixelTiles: Modular Smart LED Wall Panels

PixelTiles: Modular Smart LED Wall Panels


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
6.7 h
6 plates



I wanted to create my own expandable LED Matrix wall after seeing ones from govee and the twinkly squares ones.

These can be made for a fraction of the cost of store bought ones.


The big benefit of this design is you do not have to wire them all together before hanging them on the wall. You can print one, assemble it and mount it and when you get the time you can just keep printing and building more add-on panels. I use the Velcro command strips to mount them.


Using WLED software you can configure the up to 15 tiles as one long line of 15 tiles for a 120x8 grid, or 5x3 (landscape or portrait) tiles like I am starting in the picture which gives you a 40x24 grid (960 LEDs)


**** 11/22/23 **** Wled set up has now been added at end of assembly instructions, and updated instructions are uploaded at the end.


This runs off of an ESP32 with WLED installed in the master panel, and currently it can run up to 14 panels before needing to use another master panel with another ESP32 (they can then be grouped).


Everything but the Translucent Diffuser is printed in matte black PLA


The Translucent Diffuser needs to be printed in smoked translucent PLA.

- I used Atomic Filament brand.

RGB Led Lights are WS2812b addressable led light strips (Needs to be 60LEDs/Meter spacing, with black PCB)

I used JST-XH 3-Pin connectors to connect the panels.

Currently using a 5V 2A power supply (in WLED you can set the max amps drawn)


If you have any assembly questions, feel free to leave a comment and I will answer them right away. Once you get the first two wired and soldered, they really go together pretty quickly.



Assembly Instructions

  1. Master Base Housing Wiring
    1. IMORTANT MAKE SURE ESP32 is fully set up with WLED installed and accessible via WiFi before gluing any pieces together!
    3. When wiring the master base housing ensure the power supply hole is facing you for orientation.
    4. Wire the power in from power supply jack to both the exp32 as well as leaving 2 leads for the led panel power input.
    5. Use the data out pin from the ESP32 to the data in pad on the origin LED.
    6. Make sure the JST-XH female connectors are flush with the outside and the 2 slots are facing the top.



  1. Add on Housing Wiring
    1. Crimp and insert (4) +5v wires together as well as (4) GND wires together and finally 1 data wire in to the JST-XH male connector.
    2. Before gluing the male connector into the housing, you will have to clip the top tabs off so it slides into the next panel. It should be oriented tabs side up
      1. A close-up of a person cutting a small piece of wireDescription automatically generated
    3. Wiring is similar to the Master Base Housing.



  1. LED Panel wiring and assembly
    1. First peel the adhesive off the cut LED strips (they need to be cut precisely on the line between the contacts so they fold through the slots) and place them on the LED board in an alternating pattern. Fold the excess contacts around the back so they can be soldered.

A black rectangular object with red and white buttonsDescription automatically generatedA black rectangular object with a black rectangular object with a black rectangular object with a black rectangular object with a black rectangular object with a black rectangular object with a black rectangular object with a black rectangular objectDescription automatically generated


  1. Flip the board over so the origin point is now in the lower left hand side, and solder the jumper wires from the end of one strip to the beginning of the next.
    1. At the end of the panel you will need to combine 3 data wires together, and solder the combined end to the Data Out pad of the last LED in the panel.

A black rectangular object with red green and white squaresDescription automatically generated

  1. Wiring should look like this when complete.

A close-up of a deviceDescription automatically generated



  1. Use the Glue jig to glue the pieces together in this order (Be sure not to get glue from the panel pieces on the jig so you can remove them after finished gluing them, the jig is mainly for aligning the parts to get a nice fitting panel.)
    1. Apply Glue around the outside edge, then lay led board in correct orientation ensuring wires are folded neatly into the case.

A blue box with a yellow arrowDescription automatically generated

  1. Add glue to the highlighted sections

A blue box with many small white and yellow objectsDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

  1. Before putting the diffuser grid on, watch for the solder joints on the board where the company joined their strips together. You will need to test fit the grid and use a knife to shave that part back a little bit, so it sits flush. Then you can glue the grid to the led board. Take note of the little tabs on the grid, they will slot right into the indents on the led board.

A close up of a circuit boardDescription automatically generated A blue box with black and yellow squaresDescription automatically generated

  1. Finally, you can glue the translucent diffuser to the grid.

A blue and black box with square squaresDescription automatically generated


WLED set up.

  1. Refer to https://kno.wled.ge/ for initial set up of WLED on the esp32 dev board.
  2. Once installed, we need to set up the LED configuration.
  3. Go to the Config icon, and then to LED Preferences.
    1. A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated
    2. Here you can set the automatic brightness limiter to match your power supply. (I am using a 5v 2amp, so if you were using a 15 amp you would set it to 15000mA)
    3. You need to set the Led Outputs to WS281x, order GRB, and set your length to the total amount of LEDs that you will be powering (I set mine right to 960 to equal the 15 panels). It should look like this.
  4. Before we set up the matrix, it is important that the panels be installed in a serpentine pattern, for example.
    1. A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


  1. Next go to “2D Configuration” in WLED config menu
    1. Here, set up the led panel dimensions which is 8x8 leds.
    2. Next set up your configuration for the wall mounting, for example I have 5 horizontal panels and 3 vertical panels, you could do 3 horizontal and 5 vertical panels for a portrait mode. Or you could do a 3x3, 2x2. This section is flexible as long as you maintain the serpentine pattern. This is where you set the 1st panel location as well.
    3. A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated
    4. Finally, we need to set the orientation of each of our panels, this is the reason when we build them the origin led is always at the bottom right of the panel with the male plug facing you. It is so they are the same on every panel, making this setup section much easier.
    5. When setting the orientation, just think of which way the light strip is running.
    6. A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generatedA screenshot of a screenDescription automatically generated

Documentation (1)

Assembly Guide (1)
LED Panel Assembly Instructions.pdf

Comment & Rating (14)

Please fill in your opinion

Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
The designer has replied
looks awesome! what did you use to control the LEDs?
I’m using ESP32 and WLED project.
Replying to @serotizm :
did you use the plug in that let's you send custom images to it?
hi, i have question about esp32, do I need install in every panel esp32 or just in first one?
The designer has replied
just the first one.
is their a max amount of panels you can do
The designer has replied
You can do a max of 15 panels with a single esp32 (14 expansion panels plus the main panel). You can, however group more than 1 esp32 together and sync them up giving you more total panels. I have read of people syncing up to 14 esp32-WLED instances together which would give you over 150 panel support!! (that would be almost a led wall at that point lol)
ive only got access to transparent pla for now and the diffuser is a bit too thick. Hopefully the new black transparent PETG from Bambu comes out soon so i can test with that.. The atomic smokey black PLA is very costly is AUS..
The designer has replied
I will upload a thinner version on Monday for filaments that aren't as translucent as the atomic
How big is this print? Will it fit on an A1 Mini?
Cool project, definitely on my todo list. Do you plan to create a dual color version for better pixel constrast?
This is an amazing model. Easy to print, quality of matrix is very good. I also appreciate detailed wiring instructions. Many thanks for sharing this.
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
No more


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.