Mag-Pen magnet installation tool

Mag-Pen magnet installation tool


Print Profile(3)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
4.2 h
4 plates

More sizes and multicolor options, 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill, gyroid
More sizes and multicolor options, 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill, gyroid
71.5 h
19 plates

0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% gyroid infill
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% gyroid infill
9.2 h
2 plates




Finally was able to add some more sizes to the lineup! Hope y'all like these updates and if you have more sizes you're looking for please let me know and I'll add them in a new print profile. As always thanks for your support!


Original upload: Mag-Pen by HDZ3DWORKS


*Version 3 is in the works, I'm designing a better smaller inside diameter version strictly for the smaller 3mm or less magnets that need more support instead of trying to set them with the larger tube. Also discovered a quick way to insert magnets with even more leverage. You can load one or two magnets on the end cap and press it into your model for an even easier and quicker way to set it.


Also currently working on a set of pliers that will allow you to insert this mag pen into the jaws and set magnets with even more force. *This one will take a little more time to get it perfect but I know it's going to be awesome!



About this tool:


I created a large ergonomic barrel to comfortably fit in your hand and a low friction and also locking shuttle device to positively hold onto your magnets when inserting into your models. These little locking lugs help to prevent the magnets from pushing back while you're pushing forward. Also when not in use you simply push the shuttle back towards the cap and the shuttle parks itself so your magnets stay inside and protected in one place. There's also a magnet on the outside of the cap to check polarity to minimize the chance of inserting a magnet incorrectly. The best part of this design is the locking notches along the length of the shuttle travel. You push the shuttle forward to reveal the next set of magnets then slide the button over and into one of the locking lugs and you have a solid point of contact that will stay put with little effort on your part.


To properly assemble this tool I recommend using a tiny drop of 3M super glue in the magnet pockets on the shuttle and the end cap and insert all your magnets from the cap to the front pocket of the shuttle in the same direction so they are polarity correct.


If you want to keep it simple I got ya covered you “JUST” print the necessities then there's three plates labeled Just Shuttles, Just Tubes, and Just Caps. :)







Liked the idea of a magnet insertion tool to make press fitting your magnets easier. This works great to properly line up and insert the magnets into your models and with the larger body and locking lugs it's easy on your hands and fingers. I'm old so I needed all the extra help I can get here!



****Full disclosure: This is still an evolving work in progress. I have printed and tested the 10mm and the 8mm versions and currently developing the other sizes and I will update this profile once I have working versions for the smaller magnets. ***


About this tool:


I created a large ergonomic barrel to comfortably fit in your hand and a low friction and also locking shuttle device to positively hold onto your magnets when inserting into your models. These little locking lugs help to prevent the magnets from pushing back while you're pushing forward. Also when not in use you simply push the shuttle back towards the cap and the shuttle parks itself so your magnets stay inside and protected in one place. There's also a magnet on the outside of the cap to check polarity to minimize the chance of inserting a magnet incorrectly. The best part of this design is the locking notches along the length of the shuttle travel. You push the shuttle forward to reveal the next set of magnets then slide the button over and into one of the locking lugs and you have a solid point of contact that will stay put with little effort on your part.


To properly assemble this tool I recommend using a tiny drop of 3M super glue in the magnet pockets on the shuttle and the end cap and insert all your magnets from the cap to the front pocket of the shuttle in the same direction so they are polarity correct.


My plans for this tool are:

  1. Make a tool for each of the different sizes to accommodate the various sizes of magnets out there.
  2. Create one standard sized barrel and shuttle with multiple shuttles that you can simply swap out for all the different magnet sizes.
  3. Minimize filament usage by creating this universal style barrel and interchangeable shuttle system.

I look forward to developing these concepts further and hopefully will create something that can benefit us all in the long run. I appreciate your help and understanding with this developing project and please let me know if there's anything you like or you absolutely hate and I'll try to make sure these recommendations make it into the newer releases.



Comment & Rating (34)

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Thanks for the awesome work. Would you consider making a 15mm version?
The designer has replied
Thanks! Actually the second print profile has the 15x2mm pen. Is that the size you needed or are you using 15x3mm?
Replying to @HDZ3DWORKS :
Oh I see it now. Earlier I was looking at the object name and not the plate name. So I didn't realize 10mmLargeMouthTube was for 15mm.
Replying to @HDZ3DWORKS :
I think I do need a design with 3mm even though the magnets were sold advertised as 2mm. I am having much better luck seating the other sizes in the 3mm version.
My current magnates are 8x4mm But I will be getting smaller ones in the future. Should I wait for v3 or go ahead and print v2 now? (I'm in no rush) Thanks :) Edit: Oh, I see there is no 8x4 version available. Would it be easy fo me to make this modification myself? I presume making one that works with a range of sizes isn't doable? Thanks again.
The designer has replied
Hello, I'm doing some final testing on the V3 now. It's a new design that's actually pretty neat it's all enclosed with no slots or openings on the sides the mechanism works internally and it prints in one plate and snaps together. I'm really excited to share this new one it's been on my to do list for a while now. I can also add the 8x4mm version to this new lineup. I'll be releasing them from 3mm up to 8mm for now. The 10mm and up require a larger diameter tube to work and it's already a fairly large pen so I'm not sure if that's something people will want to use. Let me know what y'all think. Thanks
Replying to @HDZ3DWORKS :
In that case, I think I'll wait. Sounds pretty sweet :)
Replying to @Woogie :
I’m going to upload the V3 8x3mm and 8x4mm pen tonight. 👍🏼
Hey there, is the raw file available while I have some other size magnets as well
The designer has replied
I'm printing all the new magnet sizes now I should have them uploaded by tomorrow once I'm finished testing. If you have a specific size please let me know and if it's not already on my list I will add it for ya. Thanks
I'm probably confusing myself here, but how do you tell what size of magnets are in each pen? Does it have the diameter and thickness on it somewhere? Great design, btw!
The designer has replied
Great question. I made the cap pockets the same size as the magnets inside so you can see what’s in the pen but I didn’t label them. It wouldn’t be too hard to label so I can work on that idea. Currently I’m working on a holder that you can use to store them all in one place and they will be labeled according to size and thickness. My only concern is since they’re all filled with magnets they can’t sit too close to each other or they’ll just become a big clump of pens when the magnets pull on each other or they won’t sit straight in the holder. Maybe I could make a smaller holder for a group of 4 pens in each diameter like 15mm or 10mm for instance. 🤔 What do you think would work better?
The "nozzle" of the 6x2 Pen has the same diameter as the 8x2 making the 6x2 wobble - is that on purpose?
The designer has replied
Actually it was a trade off, I was trying to keep it simple and one body for multiple sizes because as I closed the nozzle the harder it got to print properly without a ton of supports. I made a new version that sacrificed a couple of magnets but it’s support free and the opening is snug against the diameter of the magnet. I’m still adding sizes as I’m able right now it’s available for 8mm magnets.
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
The designer has replied
Thank you for your rating I appreciate it.
Print Profile
More sizes and multicolor options, 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill, gyroid
The designer has replied
Thank you for the 5 star rating I appreciate it! 🙏🏼
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
The designer has replied
Thanks for the 5 star rating I appreciate it! 🙏🏼
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.