Mega Lego-like Minifigure (10:1 scale)

Mega Lego-like Minifigure (10:1 scale)


Print Profile(10)

X1 Carbon
A1 mini

0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 7% infill
0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 7% infill
25.7 h
9 plates

Solid multi-color (AMS) head
Solid multi-color (AMS) head
9.2 h
1 plate

0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 7% infill
0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 7% infill
25.7 h
8 plates

(Textured PEI Plate only) All parts combined into 4 plates
(Textured PEI Plate only) All parts combined into 4 plates
23.2 h
4 plates
Click to see more

3.5 k
8.4 k


This is a big toy human figure that's inspired by a Lego minifigure. I spent a lot of time making this model from scratch to match the original design while making tweaks for tolerances, printability, and strength. While there were a number of minifigure models I found online, most were not designed for printing, which is a particular challenge for the leg, arm, and hand joints. I'm particularly proud of the universal clip I designed for these, which makes for easy assembly and stiff-enough joints to pose your figure.

I designed the clips and tolerances for this model to be printed at 100% (10x original Lego scale), but people have previously had success printing my 10x Lego-like skeleton at smaller scales (eg, 50% or 5x Lego-scale).

Now that I have a base model for a Lego-like figure, this opens up a host of options for specific Lego-like figures. If there's something particular you're interested in, leave a comment or send me a message! If you want to make your own modifications, I've included STEP files for all parts (just be sure to give credit for my original design).

Fully assembled, this model stands 40 cm (~16 inches) tall. I printed mine with Hatchbox true blue PLA, Hatchbox true red PLA, and Prusament mango yellow PETG.

Printing Instructions

I've included 3MF files for all parts, and parts should import correctly oriented for printing.

  • For PrusaSlicer 2.6+: you just need to load the project file. (This makes use of organic supports, for the legs, which are added with PrusaSlicer 2.6.)
  • For other slicers: I've included details about special instructions for all parts, so you should be able to replicate anything necessary for proper printing. Except where otherwise noted, I printed parts in PLA at 0.15mm layer height with 7% cubic infill and without supports.

You will need to print:

  • 32x-connector-pins.3mf: You should need 30 pins for assembly (or 26 if you print the solid head); this has 2 extra just in case. If you have trouble with bed adhesion, add a brim
  • legs.3mf: Uses tree supports the top of the lower hole on the leg.
  • hips.3mf
  • 2x-limb-clips.3mf: This file contains two clips. You'll need to print one set of two in the arm/body color, and one set in the leg color. Important: I recommend printing this in PETG or ABS with 25% infill, because it will have to flex and PLA might snap.
  • arms.3mf: These print with a small surface area on the bed (the wrists), so you might want to add a brim if you have trouble with bed adhesion.
  • body.3mf
  • 2x-limb-clips.3mf: This file contains two clips. You'll need to print one set of two in the arm/body color, and one set in the leg color. Important: I recommend printing this in PETG or ABS with 25% infill, because it will have to flex and PLA might snap.
Head & hands
  • 2x-hands-wrists.3mf: Requires supports on the underside of the wrist clip. Like the limb clips, I recommend printing with PETG (or similar) with 25% infill.
  • One of: (all require supports on the underside curve of the head)
    • head-face-mmu.3mf: Print the head & face as one part with some sort of multi-material printer (e.g., Prusa MMU or Bambu AMS). Use supports on the underside curve of the head.
    • split-head.3mf and face.3mf: Print the head (with cutouts) in two pieces. Use pins and glue to connect the halves. Print the face separately and glue it in.
    • solid-head.3mf and face.3mf: Print the head and face as separate prints. Use supports on the underside curve of the head. Then glue the face parts into the head.

Assembly Instructions

In addition to the printed parts, you will need cyanoacrylate glue (CA glue/superglue).

  1. Glue the pins into the top of the hip. Add glue to the holes and bottom surface of each of the hip pegs and attach. Important: The slope of each hip peg should be facing out to the sides. If the pins don't want to go together, check that you have this orientation right!
  2. Use the same gluing approach to attach the limb clips to each side of the hips.
  3. Gently but firmly press each leg onto the clips. It should snap into place. The hips are symmetric, so you can't put the legs on backwards. This requires a fair bit of force, but you shouldn't need a hammer. If it won't go on, slightly sand or file down the outer head of the limb clip (rather than the inside of the hole on the leg). Warning: The clips are not designed to come out once they're attached, so make sure you're ready.
  1. Glue the limb clips into each arm, like you did for the legs.
  2. Glue the wrist onto the hand, with the pins. Because of the relative print orientations here, it's best to use a bit more glue here to make sure it stays on.
  3. Press each wrist clip into the arm. (They're the same, so you can't put in the wrong hand.)
  4. Press each arm clip into the body. The body is also symmetric, so you can't put the arms on backwards.

If you printed the separate head and face pieces, glue the face pieces into the head. You may need to file or sand some of the face pieces to fit, depending on how well the supports worked.

License Note

This model is marked as non-commercial because I don't want anyone (including myself) having Lego come after them with a lawyer. If you choose to sell prints of this model, you do so at your own risk!

Comment & Rating (431)

Please fill in your opinion

Thank you for sharing. I have equipped a set of ancestor Gundam equipment based on LEGO, "I choose the form of Gundam"
Could you sent me the accessories for lego figure please? :-)
Replying to @hauerdea :
Hello, my friend. Below is the address of Gundam parts. It can be used by Lego if enlarged properly : )
Replying to @MagicUncle :
Thanks :-)))
I had scaled up to 160%, so the leg and body, just could be printed in one piece. It ended to be 64CM/25.2inch tall. :)
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 7% infill
Such a great model and well thought out! I added some decal graphics I made and hair from another model to look just like the person I am giving it to. I also split the head diagonally to hide it inside the hair.
The designer has replied
very cool! the decals loo great. Can you explain what you mean about splitting the head diagonally?
This is how I split it. so the seam was behind the hair but it still printed nicely.
Can you share the file you used for the hair please?
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 7% infill
EDIT: wonderful print. love the size and ease of using of the provided profiles as well as the flexibility to print the head as one part. no issues at all.
The designer has replied
@MIlosh Keat, it is a setting when you print - every time you print, you need to make sure that your plate selection matches the plate installed on your printer. Please try that and consider editing your review!
Replying to @MarkelL :
I checked every time and it was always failing with this error. Found a thread in the forum discussing a possible bug... considering these circumstances > EDIT
Replying to @MiloshKeat :
@Milosh Keat sorry, I am not sure what you mean. Could you send the link about the bug? I'll be happy to edit the print profile. Which printer are you using? I have never had an issue with this on my X1C. If you think that this is a bug with the system itself, please do not rate the model poorly as I have no control over that. Thanks!
Great model! Made in 150% size with mohawk, everything fits on X1 except the hair, had to split that into 4 parts. Used PLA and ABS with 7% infill 4 wall loops on the yellow parts to prevent them from being transparent. Head in one piece with tree supports, face separately. Hes rocking out to some tunes!
scaled to 150%
Does all the articulation still work? I've scaled a few models recently and lose all ability to stand up on own, set angles of arms, etc.
yes it does
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 7% infill
Alle Teile in PLA haben bei der Montage gehalten. Alle Teile sind super vom Drucker runtergekommen ( die kleine Mütze ist kein 3D-Druck)
The designer has replied
@MaxX_Power thanks for printing! That Looks awesome!
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 7% infill
I’ve only had my P1S for coming up on 3 weeks and this was my most ambitious print project yet and I’m so glad I did it. This model is so well designed and the profile makes it a breeze to print it. I only had one minor issue due to adhesion but thankfully it was just the one part, everything else printed flawlessly and easily! I’m so happy with the final product. Thank you!
I really like the design and tried several times, but I just couldn't figure out a setting (if there are any) to stop the black from bleeding into the yellow.
you have to increase the flushing volume from black to yellow.
Print Profile
(Textured PEI Plate only) All parts combined into 4 plates
Such a fun and well designed print. Really hope for many accessories!