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  • Banshee_Sup.stl
  • banshee.stl

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Publication date 2024-04-18 at 07:16
Design number 1930568

3D printer file info

3D model description

Appears as a ghostly figure, her form ethereal and translucent. Once a noblewoman of great beauty and grace, her spirit is now consumed by grief and rage. She is a tormented soul, forever trapped between the realms of the living and the dead. She possesses potent supernatural abilities, primarily centered around her piercing wail. This cry can immobilize and terrify those who hear it, leaving them vulnerable to her other attacks. She can also phase through solid objects, allowing her to move effortlessly through walls and obstacles. Additionally, she has a keen awareness of death and can sense the presence of living beings from great distances. She was once a beloved noblewoman who tragically lost her life under mysterious circumstances. Betrayed by those she trusted most, her spirit was unable to find peace in the afterlife, and she returned as a banshee consumed by vengeance. Her primary goal is to inflict her anguish upon the living, particularly those she believes wronged her in life. She seeks to spread fear and despair wherever she goes, feeding off the emotions of mortals who cross her path.

Pre-supported and unsupported file available.

25mm round base

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