Filament Swatch box with hinged standard swatches

Remixed by

Filament Swatch box with hinged standard swatches

Remixed by

Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

20 swatches - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
20 swatches - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
2.5 h
1 plate



In case you print several filament swatches, you might need a storage solution. This is an improved one, where each swatch has its own slot-in holder which includes a hinge, in order to browse through all the colors/materials quickly.


Browsing / flipping swatches:

Removing a swatch:

“Times2”-Versions double the number of swatches by having two storages side-by-side:

Optional label on top of the lid - to sort your swatch materials into boxes:


  • All swatches are held securely, can still be browsed through as each swatch is hinged
  • Standard swatches can be used as they are (backward compatible)
  • The swatches can be removed and put back freely
  • The box is designed to be print-in-place
  • Box sizes are 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 swatches. Even double the swatches fit into the “Times2” version, which has two boxes side-by-side (so 30 swatches times 2 = 60 swatches).
  • Even more sizes are possible of course using the OpenSCAD source code and customizer!
  • The lid has either no label, or one label of: PLA Filament swatches, ABS, PETG, ASA, PVB, NYLON, PLA+, PC, TPU. Also there are versions with the label EMPTY and OLD, in case you keep those swatches for their sentimental value ;-)
  • There is a wall-mounted version also available via OpenSCAD customizer, both to fix with nails or for pegboards.
  • Update 11.10.2022 (Version “K”): The single box (non side-by-side) Version “K” now has additional stoppers on both sides (STL with “HingeFix” in the name) to avoid that the swatch holders slip out. Thanks to TheMidnightSmith and Blizzard for finding that problem.


These filament swatches fit perfectly:

There are full sets of Prusament swatches and Filament-PM swatches available. Please let me know if you need other filament producers, and have their color/material list.


To customize, install OpenSCAD on your own computer and follow the customizing instructions on this thing page.

Print instructions

It slices well using PrusaSlicer, Slic3r or Simplify3D. Don't use supports.

After printing, move the swatches back and forth until they are freed up. Then they will move very nicely!

Depending on how well your printer is dialled in, the swatches might not fit perfectly into the provided slots. If you need more room, increase this number in the OpenSCAD code:

//wiggle between swatch and holder - should be small to get a good grip


A big thanks to wallk to find a bug in the labelling code which affected small lids (5 swatches and less)

Big thanks to queeek, nekothechamp and ottscott for their idea to create individual holders for these filament swatches. This idea inspired the construction of this swatch box!

Thanks to crizey for the picture of his two-color print (better contrast for the text on the lid).

Thanks to TheMidnightSmith and Blizzard for finding the problem with the single-box hinges.

Share your make

If you print a box, please share a picture using the "comment" button and attach the picture. Im also interested in your ideas how to improve the box.

If you like it, please have a look at all my customizable creations. There are configurable-text-based creations, multi-line label, gadget display stand, sweeping name plate, bunting banner, customizable text box III, pyramid text, name plate, Customizable text box with lid and round text. Have also a look at my configurable pack of dogs, rabbits, reindeers and santas. There are also useful coat hangers and finger toys.

Upcoming features

  • Wall-mount

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