Flashlight/Torch diffusers

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Flashlight/Torch diffusers


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Diffusers for common enthusiast flashlights. The diffusers can be flat top or


Some of the lights can generate a lot of heat, as such you should print the diffusers in a hight temp plastic like PETG.

For Flat Top diffusers print them with the top on the bed, and no supports will be needed.

For rounded top diffusers print them upright and use Organic supports on the center.


Pre-generated Diffuser styles

For each flashlight there are 8 different diffuser styles and one model called TestFit.

The TestPrint minimal print that only prints the part that connects to the flashlight. Print this then use the slicers scale feature to adjust slightly to get a nice fit (each printer set up is slightly different). Once you achieve the desired fit apply that scale to the diffuser you would like.

  • ShortRound: Small light globe shape, rounded top.
  • ShortFlat: Small light globe shape, flat top.
  • WandRound: Long wand rounded top. Length Torch Diameter * 2.
  • WandFlat: Long wand flat top. Length Torch Diameter * 2.
  • Globe: Light globe shape, rounded top. Top Diameter is Torch Diameter * 2.
  • GlobeFlat: Light globe shape, flat top. Top Diameter is Torch Diameter * 2.
  • WandThinRound: Long wand rounded top. Length Torch Diameter * 2, Top Diameter is Torch Diameter / 2.
  • WandThinFlat: Long wand flat top. Length Torch Diameter * 2. Top Diameter is Torch Diameter / 2.
  • TestFit: Minimal print for testing fit

Custom Diffuser styles

Included is the script which supports creating custom diffusers to suit your needs.

If you have style suggestions feedback is welcomed.

If you have a flashlight and can provide me the measurements I would be happy to generate diffusers for that to include in the set.

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